Crafting stories with animation.
Cartoon movies
Piper, Bolt or maybe Toy story style. We work it all from story concept, character creation, and plotting to the full production of the short movie.
Branded content
Creating animation based campaigns with unique characters, objects and style that is aligned with the overall brand message and identity.
Explaining your complex ideas and project details.Whether it’s a new product, architectural design or data representation, we use 2D and 3D animation to create engaging, memorable and persuasive stories
Dream. sketch.animate
Starting with the client idea to scripting and rough storyboards, we take clients edits and feedback and decide on our animatics and the overall look and feel.
Work immediately on getting a semi final draft for the planned video in pre-production stage.We use various animation techniques and blend them all together for better results.
Post Production
Placing the final touches and doing the necessary VFX then rendering the movie or the piece of animation to be ready for placement.
Narrating your stories and tales.
Creating the story
The beginning might be in a small town or a large city. The character could be a young girl, or a man with attitude. At this stage, we set the story, plot and plan for the characters and their development.
Selecting the art direction
Selecting the style of the movie with regard to the action place and theme, Whether dark, retro or sunny and shiny. We sketch storyboards with different characters and environments until we reach a version that we both agree on.
Voices and sounds
Selecting the characters a voice and surrounding them with sound and interactive voices. Testing lots of versions and voice overs until we reach a mature version.
Turning into 3D
Moving from sketches and 2D to creating 3D objects that has dimensions. Making sure that the environment and character are looking pleasant and the execution is functional.
Clothing and layout
Preparing the stage and dressing up the characters. Setting the camera angles for better shots and to capture the movements.
Simulating real life
Adding hair, wind blows and simulating even the fire and smoke effects to give a more realistic perceptive to the video.
Rendering and voila!
Placing the final touches on the movie and rendering the images to come up with a final version that can be launched online and enjoyed by millions!